Monday, December 31, 2007

The First Salary

Wao....I'm so happy because I'd get my verryyy FIRST SALARY.
My boss was so nice, he gave my half salary on the 5th day I had worked.
He said the money was for me to celebrate NEW YEAR!!!
Yes he is a great man!!!
Not bad I can get a wonderful boss!!!
Really happy today...
It was the FIRST SALARY I earned by myself.....

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Romantic Princess

I used 13 hours to watch Romantic Princess.
This drama is really nice until my mom who doesn't like Taiwanese Drama also said nice.
I really wish I could become a Princess like Angela in the drama one day.
That's all people's dream!
But....this is dream like what she said in the beginning of the drama!

The Emp. and 森川 really funny!
南风瑾 - 帅帅的外表。。。
南风彩 - 迷死人的笑容。。。
南风璘 - 可爱的形象。。。
南风影 - 酷酷的样子。。。

This drama really nice to watch.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The 1st Day

Today is the 1st day I took over the whole classes to teach them computer.
Oh my Godness....really scary me!
In the morning section was quite ok but then the afternoon section quite many problems.
Maybe because I'm too sleepy??lol.... is the good beginning of my work life.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cousin's Wedding

Merry Christmas to everyone!
And today is my cousin(The very 1st in our "Hu" family)'s wedding.
All the uncles and aunties were there yesterday and some of them stay overnight at my Big Uncle's house and Small Aunt's house which are next to each other.
I and family went to thier house at 8a.m. and the Bride(my cousin) looks grogoues.
We just busy to take photo with the Bride.
Later, the Bridegroom and his brothers all arrive.
We all sisters stay at upstair and waiting to "play" the Bridegroom.
He was forced to eat a plate of meehon+wasabi+lemon...
He also forced to sing "Only You" and said "I Love You" in 6 different language.
Quite fun to see that scene.
After open the door, he put the ring onto the Bride's finger and same to the Bride.
The game haven't finished yet...
He still need to find out another shoe for my cousin which they hided in somewhere else.
But all of them just gave him so many clues and finally he found that!
"Bong cha" is started from eldest to youngest....
Then, they all went to Raub-Pahang which is the Bridegroom's hometown.
All my aunts and uncles also went together but just we this family didn't go because I NEED TO WORK tomorrow!Shit!!

Here I'm wishing my cousin and her husband have a wonderful life.
Merry X'mas!!!!

+ =+ Four Siblings in the Dinner +=+
+=+ The Couple Opened Champagne +=+
The Wedding's Day........
+=+ me and cousin +=+
+=+ siblings with cousin+=+
+=+ Family and the couple +=+ +=+ me and Mei MEi (cousin)

+=+ Teng TEng(cousin) and Me +=+

Sunday, December 23, 2007

First time working

Today I had started my ever first job.
Superb tired because yesterday I just had my Yoga class and then at night, my cousin's wedding party.
Yesterday I slept at 12 something and have to wake up at 8a.m. today for the work.
Although the works are quite easy but really tiring me.
Have to face to the damn slow computer and practice something really useful but I think is waste time only from 9a.m. to 3.30p.m. .
And tomorrow, I have to work from 10a.m. to 5p.m..
The salary is ok for me...Not so high but at least the job is not tough!
My long long holiday will be busy already.
No more relax anymore like this month.

Friday, December 21, 2007

2 Days 1 Night - KL

Thursday I went to KL with mom...
OMG..the KTM was fulled with almost all foreigners.So CROWDED.
We went to THE CURVE, IKANO, and IKEA to shop from 12p.m. to 3p.m..
Then we went to aunt's house which located at Selayang.
I'd love to see Shermane(my cousin's daugther)...She is SUPERB CUTE!
Later had dinner with all my siblings and mom at NEW PARIS.
I had movie with sis and her friends named "Flower in The Pocket".
For me, the movie it's ok, not so terrible....
Had supper then at Sri Hartamas.
Arrived at aunt's house at 1.20a.m..

The next day, I woke up at 8.30a.m. and just sat at home.
11a.m. we had our breakfast and after that, we went to One Utama for shopping.
We shopped till 3p.m. only because my mom was tired!
Not bad the result of shopping....I had get some stuff...
After that, I played card with all my cousins...
Omg!They invited me to play money!!What a small kid they are now!!!
But nevermind, I had won them but felt shame because like bully them!
Then I have to back SBAN at 5p.m....

After shopped 2 days, I'm tiring and tomorrow....I have my tireness class - YoGa...

Night dear friends...

Monday, December 17, 2007


+=+ Merry Christmas!!! +=+
I went to shop with Wye Lyng at Terminal 1.
We shopped from 12p.m. to 2.30p.m. .
She get to buy a shirt and ear-rings and I just bought an ear-ring and nail enamel.
Although just shopped at Terminal 1, but both of us felt tired too!Lousy us!Lol...
Then, we went to 银河社 and she said wanna took picture just like Xin Hui's picture in Friendster.
So we just find a "NICE" view to take picture!Crazy betul!!
Well well day just passed in this way!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Asian Idol

Our very first Asian Idol is HADY MIRZA.

Hady Mirza from Singapore is cute and handsome!
His "Berserah" is quite nice.

Phuong Vy from Vietnam is gorgeous!

Mike Mohede from Indonesia is supeb cute!

Abhijeet Sawant from India is married!

Jacyln Victor from Malaysia is great!

Mau Mercello from Philippines is awesome!

Daniel from Philippines (One of the Host of Asian Idol) is cool and handsome!

是否有一朵这样的红玫瑰在你心中绽- 。


是否有一个美丽的名字成为你夜夜梦- 的呓语。

曾经,是否有一份深深的爱让你大喊:“为- 你,抛弃天下又何妨?”

也是曾经,愚蠢的丘比特、糊涂的月老只将心动- 了其中的一个。

也是曾经,三个字:“我爱你!”换来的却是四- 字:“我不爱你!”

也是曾经,承受爱一个人的痛苦却始终得不到被- 个人爱的幸福。…………

有这样一个故事(本故事纯属虚构,- 有雷同,纯属巧合,请不要对号入座- :

男孩在见到女孩的第一面的时候就发- 自己爱上了她,这绝对不是一见钟情- 爱。

单相思是很苦的,男孩很聪明,他决- 告诉她,告诉她自己的想法。

男孩知道有可能得到的是拒绝,但是- 少也许可以作为一段美丽爱情的开端- ….

认识的过程很平常,很普通,却很惬- ,不过在深夜电话中聊天真的可以拉- 心与心的距离吗?

爱情,很容易让人冲昏头脑,对,的- 是这样的……


时间,带来了失败的开端。美丽的爱- 宣言变成了愚人节的玩笑…………

直到男孩清醒之后,才发现了这残酷- 事实……

接着来的,自然是厌烦与拒绝,伤心- 痛苦……“这就是所谓的没有缘分!”女孩这样说。

“爱一个人不需要任何理由,同样,- 爱一个人也是……”女孩还这样说。

“我只知道我会永远永远的这样爱你- 永远永远的为你守侯……”男孩这样回答。…………

故事没有结束……男孩这样说也这样做,只希望能够用- 己的付出去打动一颗不属于自己的心-还有什么叫痴情吗?

女孩的每个举动、每个变化都会牵动- 孩的心。

还有什么叫迷恋吗?梦中的呓语、酒醉的低吟,都离不开- 孩的名字。




制造了两个人这样的关系。男孩完全不计较回报的付出、不计较- 的的爱永远都只能得到感动和歉疚。

“如果你给我一个机会,你会知道我- 你的爱有多深。”“好,我可以做你女朋友,但我却不- 做到爱你。”“如果你能爱我,我可以用我的一切- 换。”“你知道这是……不可能的……”女孩哭了,男孩想哭,却忍住了,他- 道了自己该做什么。让自己心爱的人伤心,比让自己伤心- 更痛苦十倍。爱一个人,无论用什么方法都要让她- 福,让她快乐。第二天,男孩变了……没有了以往的痴情,没有了以往的眷- ,也没有了以往的疯狂。男孩以后再也没有去找过女孩,甚至- 也没有说过一句话……仿佛这段故事就随着太阳的升起而结- ………………故事还是没有结束……v有人说,时间能冲淡一切,但也有人- ,时间能证明一切。三年后,当男孩和女孩即将结束学业,各奔前- 的时候,当男孩和女孩分离后也许再也不能相- 的时候,当女孩仿佛想到做点什么的时候,突- 听到男孩进了医院的消息。“为了救一个小孩,被汽车撞了,还- 有度过危险期……”医生如是说。女孩哀求着想要见他,医生不同意。“那求你转告他让他一定要坚强地活- 来,因为我……我发现我非常的爱他- …”医生在昏迷不醒的男孩耳边如实说了- 句话。医生仿佛看到男孩皱紧的眉头微微地- 开了,嘴角泛起一丝笑意……但是不幸,第二天早上,随着太阳的- 起,一个灵魂同时离开了它的躯体开- 飞升……女孩又哭了,男孩没有哭,临死的时- ,嘴角泛着微微的笑容。在墓碑前,女孩仿佛听到男孩的声音-“我希望能永远看到你快乐幸福的笑- ……”此后,女孩一直快乐坚强地生活,再- 没有伤心过。也许在别人看来,故事的结局未免不- 完美,并不圆满,但是不正如男孩所希望的,女孩得到- 幸福与快乐。也许曾经你的生命中也深爱着这样一- 人,由于种种原因,你们却永远无法在一- ,你怎么面对的呢?不过,请记住:爱一个人,无论用什么方法都要让她幸福,让她- 乐。即使,要你选择放弃。


同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。



我看是时候忘掉一切, 重新开始了!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Search for Job

Today I went to search some jobs that I think is suit me.
I went 5 shops and they all just need permanent worker and not temporary!Shit!
After that I gave some call to few shops and yes some of them asked me to interview!
So I went to one of the shops to interview and God...I really scared because is the first time I looking for a job and interview directly to the boss.
But quite ok the interview.They said they will consider but I think I don't want that job already because the salary is quite LOW.

So I will keep continue looking for job since my dad allowed me to WORK NOW!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

New Life 3

Today I woke up at 11a.m. because I'm quite tired.
My whole body muscle were so painful because I had yoga class on Tuesday!

After I woke up, I wonder what should I do today?
Hmmm....Yup...I knew what should I do!
I cleaned my house because quite dirt and mess.
So I started to clean my bedroom first and then other rooms at 11:30a.m.

Next, I mopped the floor of each rooms and living room too.
Oh my Godness, it's really drive me crazy!
My muscle were painful and I still cleaned up the whole house.
But nevermind, I'm quite satisfied with my hardwork.
I'd finished my cleaning work at 2.30p.m.

After that, I just sat in front of my computer from 2.30p.m. until now(11.05p.m.)
I really can't understand why can I faced the computer with such a long

And yes, there goes my day!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Promise Me

"...Promise me you'll wait for me'cause
I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home..."

I love this song....quite touching and nice...
This is sang by Beverly Craven named "Promise Me"

Your Lovely Girl

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I just watched "Secret" by Jay Chau only.
Oh my terrible!
I hate the Jay just pretended in the movie.
Acted like very cool and just knew how to tackle girl.
I think the another guy who played th piano more charmed than him.
He is so knew how to act cool but not cool at all.
That's all from me.
Those Jay's fans please don't hate me because I just said what I thought.

Monday, December 10, 2007

10th of December, Monday

Today, my brother and his girlfriend off.
So we continued our shopping after had took our breakfast.
We went to Mid Valley at 11.30a.m. and there also fulled with Christmas feel.
- Christmas decoration at Mid Valley -
After a while, we went to The Garden to have a window shopping.
Later we went back to Mid Valley to continue shopping.
I and my sister shopped ourselve and my brother and his girlfriend shopped thier own.
I had bought something today.
Luckily I didn't waste my time there!lol....
We were tired and had our lunch at Food Junction.
After lunch, my brother sent us to KL Central to take KTM back to SBAN.
After arrived at KL Central, we still shopped there!Lol...
Then we were backed at 3:30p.m.

At night, we still have to go my father's friend's daughter's brithday!
Quite boring at there one but we still have to go....Argh....

9th of December, Sunday

I woke up at 11a.m. and waited my sister finished her project.
At 12p.m. , my brother was calling us and he wanted to bring us to shopping because we asked to!
Then my sister's friend sent us back to my aunt's house and we prepared!

After that, we went to have our lunch at 甜心点心.
We ordered some 'dim sum' and I had ordered a beverage called Mango Jelly Frostee.

- After mixing Mango Jelly Frostee -

It's quite special and nice.It's contains 3 layer which 1st layer is milk, 2nd layer is mango and the 3rd layer is jelly.

After had lunch, we went to One Utama.There fulled with Christmas feel.

- English Cartoon at One Utama -

We shopping until 5p.m. but I didn't buy anything because not my style!
Then we went to my 2nd brother's house to rest and have dinner later together.

At 7p.m., we had our dinner at King Crab.
We ordered some foods and quite delicious too.
After dinner, we overnight at my 2nd brother's house because he and his girlfriend were off on Monday.
So, after arrived home, my sister, 2nd brother and his girlfriend were playing
I didn't want to play because I wanted to watch drama.
So thier played until 12a.m. , they stopped and I still continue watched the drama till 12.45a.m.
I went to sleep later!

This is the day of mine!

8th of December, Saturday

I went to KL with my sister because she promised to bring me shopping!
So, we went to KL by KTM and when we arrived KL Central, her friends came to take us.
After that, I followed my sister to Stadium Negara because she had job at there.

- Stadium Negara (Inside the control room) -

- Thier plan -

So I just sat at there and watched drama while she and her friends were doing thier projects.
But, unfortunately, what she had promised she didn't do....
At first we planned to Petaling Street but because of her projects haven't finished, so we can't made it!
It's ok because at night we had movie at One Utama.

The movie entitled "The Golden Compass" by Nicole Kidman, Dakota Blue Richards, Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Sam Elliott.
The movie is quite nice and I think I will followed the continue of this movie!
The movie is something like The Lord of The Ring....
The synopsis - It is an exciting fantasy adventure, set in an alternative world where people's souls manifest themselves as animals, talking bears fight wars, and Gyptians and witches co-exist. At the center of the story is Lyra, a 12 year-old girl who starts out trying to rescue a friend who's been kidnapped by a mysterious organization known as the Gobblers - and winds up on an epic quest to save not only her world, but ours as well.

Then, we had our dinner at Naili's!

- Some of the decoration in Naili's -

The place is located at Uptown and I'd like the place very much!
The environment there is quite comfortable.
I had ordered a Nasi Lemak and Mocktail Juice...
The Nasi Lemak is delicious.

- Mocktail Juice and Nasi Lemak -

After had our dinner, we went back to my sister's friend house! - The view from my sis's friend condo -

Arrived at home at 12:30 a.m.
This was the day I passed!

Friday, December 7, 2007

New Life 2

Today just went to Jusco shopping....
Quite bored there....
Say sales but still so expensive plus those shirts are all not nice....
Seems like old style.....
Well......I couldn't bought anything that I like....
So just walked until 5p.m. then went back....
Seremban really is a bored town with all those old fashions....

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Merry Christmas

Click to check it out....

24 hours

Does it enough for us 24 hours a day?
I think not!
24 hours quite little for me right now...
I always realised that there is not enough time for me!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

New Life 1

I'm very tired today!
Because I cleaned up my bedroom which is so messy during exam time!
Oh Gosh...quite a lot of BOOKS to get away....
Now only I realised that I got such many textbooks in my room! more textbooks in my room anymore!

After that I'd read an article...
It is about DREAM!
Actually always have a bad dream will affect your life.
Inside the dream, it maybe will bring out some symptoms.
Those symptoms like your health will be worst and maybe can cause CANCER!
Other than this, if one people who always have bad dream and very seriously, it can bring death!
The people will die in the dream....
Oh my God, I always have bad dream.
Can say is everyday.....
Don't know why.....
Maybe I should relax and don't give myself too much stress!
Then I think will be better then...
Yes.....I must not have bad dream anymore!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lily of The Valley

This is Lily of The Valley
It brings out the meaning of "Life must be full with Happiness"
This is what my life should and must have now!

The End of Form Six

Today is the last day....... :-
+ I wore my Form 6 uniform
+ I sat examsssss in Form 6 life
+ I went to KGV for my study
+ I mixed with ALL my classmates and friends

Tommorow onwards....... :-
= I no need to wake up at 5 a.m.
= I no need to attend stupid assembly everyday
= I no need to enter my SUPERB BORING BIO classes ( Pn. Norilah : So water potential...So osmotic pressure....)
= I no need to enter my SUPERB TENSION CHEMISTRY classes ( Mr. Kwan : The Benzene ring attach to bla bla bla ....)
= I no need to enter my quite relax PENGAJIAN AM classes ( Mr. Nawi : Dasar Pandang Ke Timur, Dialog-dialog Selatan bla bla bla.....)
= I no need to enter my SUPER DUPER BORING MATH classes ( Pn. Tan : x2+5x-8=.....)

I'm so happy there is many many no need I no need to do.....
But somehow...
I will miss all my classmates and friends in there!
For the new friends I'd met in there....
Nice to meet you all and keep in touch!
For the old friends, we should keep in touch too!

Exam Over

Stupid STPM is over!!
Do you all know how am I SUFFERED for this stupid one month!
Can RELAX now!
When the last few seconds for today's paper , my heart was smiling and said THIS IS THE TIME!

After exam, ME,SAMMY,SIAH & WYE LYNG were going to sing Karaoke!
Oh my godness!!!We all were MAD & we totally HIGH!"..Fly F.I.R"We sang this twice just for screamed!
Siah is the "BEST SINGER"....he just screamed and screamed and screamed while Sammy is the "BEST DANCER".....Oh...Her slim waist was just NICE!!!Loll....
Oh Gosh.....4 of us already get sore throat~!
But we have fun!
We just RELAX and forget all about the stress we had!
We totally free now!
Yeah!!!I'M FREE!!!!!!
"..............................FLY AWAY................................"