Sometimes I feel that working has a lot of funny things to see and yet sometimes feel angry to teach.
Today, one of my beloved new student did something that I really don't know should angry or funny. She can insert the disket(the old fashion stuff) inside the CD-ROM.Oh my Goodness!!!I had already shown her in her first day of class but she still can did the superb wrong thing.Well, maybe I should be more patient to them when I'm teaching but you know what...I'm a person who lack of patience.
Besides, some of the students who are maybe elder than me(something around 20+++++ years old)can spelled the word ADDRESS to adress, EXAM to exem/adxem and so forth. I was wondering all these words we all learned when we were primary school but yes, they can spelled them wrongly.
Furthermore, those students especially Malays & Indians(not discrimination here) who really stubborn enough. When they don't know something about the exercises, of course I shown them way to do but what made me angry is after I had shown and asked them to do redo what I had done, they can told me that they were forgotten and didn't know how to do already. So, I was showing the another time and they told me that they still can't get it. What the hell!!!!?!?!I started to teach them with high pitch and scolded them why not to marked down what I'm saying just now. They really stubborn enough because they didn't do what I had asked for.Shit!!!
They even don't know how to differentiate between OPEN and SAVE. Everytime the class started, they have to open back what the last exercise they did in the previous class. They can go to the SAVE there and open. Oh Gosh....Okay!I'm willing to teach them once but what the terrible thing is they everytime also did the same thing. Sometimes I really want to ask them are you study before?!!?!?" Save and Open you also can't differentiate them?How stupid are you!!!?!?!" But I know I can't do that because they are my students and I'm the teacher who responsible to them.
Last but not least, got 2 Sikh students took Intensive class(means have to finish the Microsoft Office in 8 classes). But after 8 classes if they can't finish, they have to pay again. You know what, their father(both are sisters) came to the counter there and asked.
This is the conversation.
Father : Why my daughters still can't finish the syllabus after 8 classes??Is it I have to pay for the next month..?
The Counter : Maybe they were slow in typing and yes you have to pay.
Father : What maybe???!!!You all should know what!Said 8 classes finish and now have to pay again??So ridiculous.!!Who is the tutor??!!
The Counter : If they slow then we also can't do anything.
Father : @2@#!!!#!#@$#%@@$!
And they came for the extra 1 class to finish the syllabus without paying.
Okay.....they finished and took another programme(Graphic).
It is very smooth for teaching them because they quite smart but their father is troublesome.
One day, I had forgotten to give them their certificates for the Intensive class and their father came and complained somemore. What the f**K!!Can't he just wait?!!?!?!I will give the cert the other day but he came to complain somemore. The Kakak(counter) also hate him so much!!!Me too!!!Hope don't want to see them anymore!!!
Okay...Here are all my complains when work. I won't complain to people but just blog it because this job is I found one. Nobody forced me!
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